COVID-19 in Nepal: Impact on Maternal and Neonatal Health Services


Discover the Effects of COVID-19 on Maternal and Neonatal Health Services in Nepal.

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Delve into the Struggles Confronted by Expecting Mothers and Medical Professionals in this Comprehensive Analysis. Introduction Impact on Maternal Health Services Impact on Neonatal Health Services Measures Taken to Mitigate the Impact

The reach of the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact across different societal domains has been conspicuous, spanning to encompass maternal and neonatal health services in Nepal. Within this comprehensive overview, we delve into the pandemic’s influence on maternal and neonatal health services, underscoring the hurdles encountered by medical professionals and expectant mothers. Furthermore, we discourse the strategies implemented to alleviate these obstacles and guarantee the welfare of both mothers and infants.

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The emergence of the COVID-19 virus has led to extensive upheavals in global healthcare infrastructures. Much like numerous other nations, Nepal encountered substantial obstacles in upholding crucial maternal and neonatal health services amid its pandemic response. This piece delves into the diverse array of concerns and strategies enacted to tackle these issues.

Impact on Maternal Health Services

The global crisis presented numerous hurdles for maternal health provisions. Medical centers grappled with a surge in patients, complicating the delivery of prompt, high-standard care for expectant mothers. Apprehensions of contagion and limitations on movement additionally impeded healthcare access, particularly in remote regions. This led to a reduction in prenatal check-ups and the presence of trained professionals during childbirth.

Impact on Neonatal Health Services

The pandemic also had detrimental consequences on neonatal healthcare provisions. Supply chain interruptions and resource constraints directly impacted the accessibility of vital neonatal care tools and medications. Furthermore, healthcare personnel redirected towards addressing COVID-19 cases experienced diminished capabilities in delivering sufficient attention to newborns.

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Measures Taken to Mitigate the Impact

Amidst the difficulties, Nepal’s medical framework exerted substantial endeavors to alleviate the repercussions on maternal and neonatal health provisions. Telemedicine and virtual consultations emerged as valuable tools to provide medical advice and support to pregnant women and new mothers. Furthermore, health authorities collaborated with local communities to promote awareness and encourage home-based care where feasible.



A scoping review of maternal and neonatal health services impacted during COVID-19 in Nepal | Published in Journal of Global Health Reports (